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天宫一号飞行器失效后激光测距实验分析 孙明国 2017
Controlling transverse shift of the reflected light via high refractive index with zero absorption 张晓军 2017
The influence of antikaon condensations on nucleon 1S0 superfluidity in neutron star matter 许妍 2017
Theory study on the bandgap of antimonide-based multi-element alloys 安宁 2017
基于斜程传输模型的卫星激光测距在气溶胶中探测性能的研究 陈煜丰 2017
structural and ferromagnetic properties of Ho-doped BiFeO3 films 安宁 2017
水平式望远镜静态指向误差的建模与修正 李梦梦 2017
基于微纳光纤-单壁碳纳米管可饱和吸收体的被动调Q掺镱光纤激光器 康喆 2017
Micro and nano dual-scale structures fabricated by amplitude modulation in multibeam laser interference lithography 张子昂 2017
0.8 nm single wall carbon nanotubes for wideband ultrafast pulse generation 康喆 2016
多测站激光测距中的时间同步方法研究 陈东隅 2016
Gas giant planet formation in the photoevaporating I. Gap formation 肖凛 2016
长春站高重复频率空间碎片激光测距技术 宋清丽 2016
Effects of tensor couplings on nucleonic direct Urca processes in neutron star matter 许妍 2016
2 μm InGaAsSb/AlGaAsSb双波导半导体激光器的结构设计 安宁 2016
基于有限元光腔表面分割法的TDLAS立方腔的平均反射光程的研究 刘高佑 2016
Lifetimes and accretion rates of protoplanetary disks 李敏 2016
Effects of tensor couplings of ω and ρ mesons on 1S0 nucleon superfluidity in neutron star matter 黄修林 2016
Optimization for designing the waveguide of 980 nm AlGaAs/InGaAs semiconductor laser 安宁 2016
基于SLR与L波段同步观测结算北斗卫星钟差 胡佳钰 2015
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